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User: viennamina
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嘉和中醫診所,註冊中醫師曾嘉敏,針對各種常見的都市病,包括三高 (高血壓、高血糖及高血脂)丶腸胃病丶濕疹丶月經紊亂丶不孕、水腫丶失眠丶脫髮丶慢性疲勞綜合症丶體重超標及情緒病等,透過結合中醫診治丶服用中藥丶針灸丶拔罐及提供調整生活方式的建議,為病人治療疾病及改善體質,提升生活質素。Bloomsbury Chinese Medicine Clinic is conveniently situated in the vibrant heart of Central, Hong Kong. Our clinic offers a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, serving as a sanctuary for those seeking to enhance their wellness through traditional Chinese practices.